Friday, May 9, 2008

Alas, Poor Yorick! I Smoked Him Well

Just when you think it can't get any weirder...

This story from the People's Republic of Texas : 2 men charged after digging up a grave and using the skull for a bong!

How big of a pot-head do you have to be to decide that it is worth the effort to dig up a human corpse, and fashion an impromptu bong out of the head?

They must have some Killer weed down in Texas!

I may have made a faux pas or two while under the influence of bit too much scotch in my day, but thankfully I have managed to draw the line somewhere just shy of grave-robbing and molestation of a corpse.


Anonymous said...

Albeit, JUST shy.

Ray M.

Vince said...

Have sex with a goat 1 time....

Anonymous said...

A faux pas or two???....said the parrot after a long "just left the faucet running" sound....then a stretch, a yawn, and back to bed for you.....

Rogue Medic said...

Now, was this a shrunken head, or were they going to use the head as a bowl and smoke some serious quantity?

Because using the skull as a fluid chamber is just a silly proposition. Everything is just going to leak out. Entertaining to watch some people do this, as long as they are not dripping all over your rug and tracking mud from the grave all over your rug.

Or so I would imagine. :-)

Goat or Ghost?

Since we are talking corpse molestation, where did you dig this goat up?

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