Sunday, December 16, 2007

Who Turned the Heat Off ?

After a relatively painless ordeal loading all of luggage and cats etc into 2 cars (thank you Jon Cook!) we checked in at Princess Juliana Airport and even had time for one last glass of wine before we took off. The flight went well and we touched down in the good old USA around 5pm local time.


It was a balmy 31 degrees when I walked out of the airport and since I was sporting my "Island Casual" attire (shorts) it might as well have been 31 degrees below zero!

Here is Rileigh all bundled up just before we walked outside. I'm sure she was thoroughly confused having spent the day before lathered in sunscreen and dipping her toes in the warm ocean.

It is great being back home.


Anonymous said...

Adios, my friend! The island won't be the same without you. The Atlantis has already laid off half their night shift. Don't stop blogging just because the number of dysfunctional PhDs you encounter on a daily basis falls off slightly.

Vince said...

Thanks Paul, I will try to keep the blog updated regularly.

Sunil said...

Hey Vince,
Although we've never met, I've derived much joy reading your blog and looking at pics of Rileigh. Please do post whenever you get some time away from the wards.
Best of luck on the Step and in clinicals. I know your family must be very proud of you!!!

Incoming 5th semester-er

Vince said...

Thanks Sunil, things are a bit hectic now but I hope to blog in the next couple of days or so. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Hectic,schmectic! So you're homeless, broke, and it's almost Christmas, what the hell are you whining about!

(You know you can always count on me to show you the bright side of things!)

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