Thursday, February 19, 2009

This Week...

Although I truly enjoy this surgery rotation, it has hampered my free time; and blogging is, unfortunately, one of those things that has dropped precipitously on the: "Things To Do- List". (along with shaving on a daily basis, keeping my liver well-exercised, and knowing what day of the week it actually is!)

Since I only have a short time before the evil sleep-deprivation monster comes to cart me off to the land of the slumbering, here are some random things from this week:

  • Yesterday while getting ready for morning rounds I was looking over the OR schedule for the day and noticed a particular theme for many of the cases. There were several hemorrhoidectomies scheduled along with 2 sigmoid colon resections, and a perianal abscess Incision and drainage- all slotted for the day. Before I could compose a snarky joke about this, one of the senior residents deemed the day: "ASS WEDNESDAY". Couldn't have said it better myself! Good for several giggles throughout the day.
  • Speaking of giggles... Janki is a fellow AUC student and happens to be assigned to the same team that I am. During our orientation, we were warned of the possibility of a site visit by JCAHO (commonly pronounced "Jay-Co") , the hospital accrediting Nazis. Apparently, someone wasn't paying too much attention- because at lunch on Tuesday, poor little Janki asked the following question, "Hey, when is that Jacob guy coming to inspect the hospital?" It was fortunate I was not drinking anything at the time because this was truly a "milk-shooting-out-of-your-nose-moment". Needless to say I have latched on to her little faux-pas and refer to "Jacob" every chance I get. It has become somewhat contagious and several of us are incorporating a "Jacob" comment (or 3) into daily conversation. Janki has a good sense of humor and is being a good sport about all of this silliness. And no, it will never get old!
On the Family Front:
  • Last Saturday Johnny baby-sat his baby sister for me and did an excellent job!- no bloodshed, diapers were changed, lunch was prepared and consumed, and a nap was taken!
  • Meagan and Kaitlyn got their report cards recently and Dad couldn't be prouder! Kaitlyn has managed to bring almost all of her (already good) grades up, and Meagan has made the "Principal's List" for getting all A' s.
  • Little Miss Rileigh successfully used her new potty for the first time Tuesday night! Since she is only 19 months old we are not "actively" attempting potty training. But because she has learned to notify us when there is a "poopy" or a "pee-pee" we decided to let her get acquainted with the potty. Tuesday night she followed Kathy into the bathroom and wanted to be like her mommy and sit on her potty. Kathy removed her diaper and let her sit on her potty for a couple of minutes when our little "Prodigy of Pee Pee" said, and I quote, "PEE PEE!!!" When she stood up... sure enough she had actually pee-ed in her potty! What followed was nothing short of pandemonium! I was reading in the other room when shrieks of joy were heard almost as far as Connecticut. Keeping in line with the whole "positive reinforcement" thing we made a big deal out of our daughter's physiologic need to empty her bladder. Songs were sung, Dances were danced, and hugs and kisses were.......well...... hugged and kissed.
  • My Kids Rock!
  • Not to be ignored, our little soon-to-arrive bundle of masculine joy is only about 6 weeks (give or take) away from making his debut. It is serious crunch time as far as name selction, and we have nary a "short list" compiled. Feel free to make suggestions in the "comments" section as to a suitable name! Seriously!
That is about all of the news-worthy stuff I have for now. Please make use of the comments and let me know that (both of you) are reading this drivel!!

Until next time..........


Anonymous said...

Four joyous days together and no mention of me. I PEED in the potty. I ate lunch and took a nap and NOTHING.

The Ex

Anonymous said...

awww. i couldn't be prouder of the little pee pee genius. haha

Anonymous said...

How about 'Zane' ??

Anonymous said...

or maybe 'Eurisko' ...

Vince said...

Thanks Lou ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm? A good name for the new addition. Perhaps taking the name of Vince's oldest and dearest friend.

Ray M.

P.S. If you're thinking Arthur, then I meant your 2nd oldest and dearest friend!

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