Friday, October 26, 2007


The Associated Press released the results of a poll it conducted and the results are...well, frightening!

Slightly over 1/3 (34%) of Americans say that they believe in ghosts. Amazingly, 23% claim to have actually seen one. 19% of Americans believe in witchcraft and spells. Let me repeat that last one. One in 5 Americans believe in the existence of Magic spells!

STOP THE STUPIDITY, I WANT TO GET OFF! Magic spells indeed! If I had Harry Potter's magic wand I would wave it at the country and yell "Cogita, Cogita, Cogita!"(yeah its Latin, look it up)

In addition to ghosts and spells, almost half of those surveyed claim that they believe in extra sensory perception (ESP). Despite there existing no credible evidence whatsoever tho substantiate the claim.

If you have any doubts, consider the adage that money talks and bullshit walks:

Since the 1960's James Randi, the one time magician and escape artist(the Amazing Randi), has offered a cash prize to anyone who could, under observable conditions, prove the existence of any paranormal, supernatural or occult event. What started as a $1000 challenge in 1964 has mostly through donations, grown to a MILLION DOLLARS. The contest is handled now by the James Randi Educational Foundation and you guessed it, to date it remains unclaimed! Randi has on numerous occasions challenged self-claimed psychic Sylvia Brown to accept the million dollar challenge and she has accepted on TV but has yet to show up for the test. It has been over 5 years. Click here for more on the Sylvia Brown incident complete with video clips.


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