Monday, March 10, 2008

Scotch Whisky Makes You Taller!

No, no it doesn't. But one can hope.

In preparation for my winning of the Powerball drawing this upcoming Wednesday, I have splurged and treated myself to a nice bottle of scotch. What follows is a brief review of a scotch I first tried a few years ago but as a result of my premature onset dementia, had forgotten if I liked or not. I keep promising myself to keep a notebook of things I need to remember, but keep forgetting this as well. You know what they say, memory is the second thing to go.*

Anyway, on to the review. This particular bottle is made by The Balvenie distillery in Banfshire, Scotland. It is a 12 year old single malt with the unique characteristic of being aged in 2 different wooden casks. First it matures in a traditional oak whiskey barrel and then is transferred to a Spanish oak cask which previously held Sherry. I picked it up for about $44.00 on sale in the People's Republic of Jersey.

If you have ever read a real review of scotch or wine for that matter, the reviewers employ a language all their own. Since I am neither a professional reviewer, nor do I spit out what I taste, I will spare you those pretentious adjectives. What I will say is that it is good. Okay, really good.

Alright, I suppose I can be slightly more descriptive, but first...gulp...ahh, that's better; I needed to remind myself what I am reviewing. Seriously, this scotch is very very smooth. It is very gentle on the tongue and has surprisingly almost no aftertaste whatsoever, just mild warmth. In professional parlance, I suppose they would say something like not a very long finish- whatever the hell that means. It kind of smells like an obscene mixture of Log Cabin syrup and rubbing alcohol. Not that this is a bad thing, I'm just trying to paint a picture for you. Again, they would mumble something about it having a fruity and lively nose- I don't know about you but using the word "nose" in a review of something I am supposed to drink... well, suffice it to say that it doesn't conjure up wonderful imagery for me. On to taste.

On The Balvenie offical website they describe it as having:

Sweet fruit and oloroso sherry notes, layered with honey and vanilla.

I have no freaking idea what the hell a oloroso is, and don't think I ever will. They are not too far off however, on the honey and vanilla thing. I think it is more of a syrup-y taste, but okay, I'll give you honey. Vanilla is definitely something you can taste, and in my opinion, there is a hint of cinnamon there as well. That is about as descriptive as I can get without hormone replacement therapy.

This is one of the better scotches I have tried and is incredibly smooth and drinkable. Highly recommended.

I give it 8.8 out of 10 livers.

* I forget the first.


Rogue Medic said...

8.8 out of 10 livers?

The organ donor people do not appreciate this kind of cavalier approach to replaceable organs. The irreplaceable ones are fair game for your humor, but if the technology improves the PC boundaries are sure to expand.

Not being a Scotch drinker, I will have to bring you some Belhaven Scottish Ale. It has a sort of licorice flavor to it. Someone with some estrogen who shared some with me told me so.

I give this review 2 brain cells, which still might leave me with one and nobody is interested in saving it or transplanting it.

Vince said...

As far as PC boundaries go, well I will refer you to my previous post on the matter HERE

Since we are friends I will assume that you were using a logarithmic scale and we will leave it at that :-)

Rogue Medic said...

The PC boundaries would increase the list of what organs are not acceptable for humorous posting due to their value in the preservation of life by transplant, but then it loses something in translation, if it ever had anything.

When I get to the word euphemise, my mind trips over it and just wants to say euthanise (internal dialogue, no lip movement, really). This is probably an apt substitution, since that seems to be what Newspeak and PC are all about - take all meaning out of words, so they may mean whatever you want them to mean. Dirty, dirty language - kill it!

What ever happened to the days when liberals were defenders of language? Now they are not just the trustees assisting in the extermination, but the camp commandants ordering the executions.

And what is with the circus tricks - hum a tune, while reading a commentary, and trying to keep a straight face. It ain't happenin'.

Vince said...

No trick! I never said hum. I said LISTEN to.

Rogue Medic said...

I guess I abbreviated the sentence to the "Battle Hum of the Republic," or something like that.

I don't know, it's not as if I were there at the time I was doing this.

Gerri DiCarlo said...

Good stuff, Vince.

But it would be more enjoyable if you tell John and I IN PERSON!!! We're heading to Jersey on Friday for my Dad's BBall Game at Kean University (5 miles form the Newark Airport).

We won't have transportation and we'll have 6 family members with us, but...
Pete's coming!

We're going to head into the city on Saturday morning.

Possible game Saturday Night (it's the tourny, so it depends on Friday's game).

Then we head back South Sunday at noon.

We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you guys!

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