Friday, March 7, 2008

Walking in Circles

Well, nothing much to report on the test results front; Tuesday will be 3 weeks and hopefully I will know something soon. This is by far the toughest part of the process.

In other news, I heard from an old friend that I lost touch with after almost 12 years. Lou was a paramedic and critical care nurse that I worked with many years ago. We worked together for a couple of years and enjoyed many of the same hobbies: skydiving, gunslinging, and the fine art of transmission performance testing. Lou went and joined the USAF and we lost touch. Luckily he found some old pictures from the glory days and did a Google search that led him here. We spoke on the phone the other night for a few hours catching up- a lot has changed in all those years. What is interesting however is that even after all those years it felt like we had just spoken last week. It was great to hear from him again and hopefully we will get together before too many more years pass.

Earlier this week we decided to take advantage of the milder weather and go for a daily walk along Kelly Drive. We go along the path right next to the river and follow it down to the Philadelphia Art Museum. Round trip it is about 5 miles and it takes us about an hour and a half. Rileigh seems to like the stroller ride and looking at the geese, dogs and people. (in that order). As for me, it is the first hint of exercise that my ass has seen since we got back in December, since they tell me that channel surfing (even at extreme speeds) doesn't count.

Here is a picture of the route that I borrowed from the web since I have consistently forgotten to take a camera.


Anonymous said...

Is Lou the one you went to Arizona with? i think i remember him. well,'s good to see you blogging again =D

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