Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Look Mom, I'm in Law School- Grade Grubbing 101

I got my results of yesterday's pharmacology exam. While I did OK, ( a 'B') I apparently got a couple more wrong than I had originally thought. This exam covered: drugs used in endocrine disorders, diabetic agents, antibacterials, antifungals, antivirals, yada yada yada. In all it was a boatload of stuff to remember. I suppose I should be happy with my grade but there are a few questions that I got wrong that I disagree with. Tomorrow will begin what I like to call the litigation phase of test taking. This is where students line up to discuss with our professors those questions we got wrong and "plead our case". Usually it winds up the professor summons saintly patience and points out where our ENORMOUS error in thinking was. Sometimes however, they forget to don their infallibility cap when they write the exam questions and we are forced to choose among bad choices for a poorly worded question. Occasionally they see the error in their ways and amend our grade accordingly.

I know what you are thinking, that this is a petty and vain pursuit of a few points that in the grand scheme of things wont matter one flying fig newton to most of us, I agree mostly, but principles are involved. Besides, it give us practice in our justification and reasoning skills. Skills we will draw upon when we enter the very litigious world of medicine.

Speaking of lawyers.....

An anxious woman goes to her doctor. "Doctor," she asks nervously, "can you get pregnant from anal intercourse?"

"Certainly," replies the doctor, "Where do you think lawyers come from?"


Four surgeons were taking a coffee break and were discussing their work. The first one said, "I think accountants are the easiest to operate on. Everything inside is numbered."

"I think libarians are the easiest" said the second surgeon " When you open them up all their organs are alphabetically ordered".

The third surgeon said, "I prefer to operate on electrians, all their organs are color coded".

The fourth one said, "I like to operate on lawyers.They are heartless ,spineless, gutless, and their head and their ass are interchangeable."


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